HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure 《Batman: Arkham Origins》Deathstroke HK$1,530

【高度還原冷血殺手的全套半藍橙半色戰服 豐富武器裝備呈現電玩真實感】

Hot Toys 繼早前以多個深受電玩迷喜愛的視頻遊戲包括《蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢城市》、《蝙蝠俠: 阿卡漢瘋人院》及《蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢騎士》推出多款珍藏人偶產品後,現再接再厲以1:6 比例模式推出《蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢起源》反派角色 ─ 喪鐘 1:6 比例珍藏人偶!

喪鐘為 DC 世界最享譽盛名的大反派,本名為 Slade Wilson,因為參加軍方的實驗而獲得了幾乎無法死亡的超強自癒能力,以及超乎常人的五感與體力。Hot Toys 根據原著電玩遊戲中的 CG 動畫繪製的造型與比例,高度設定為 32cm高、具有逾 30 個可動關節的1:6比例專用素體;Hot Toys 造型師根據喪鐘角色的造型設定,還原了富層次感及顏色鮮明的軍事裝備裝甲戰衣,藍橙兩色相隔,藍色的裝甲部分飾有網狀細節,而橙色的裝甲部分塗裝上金屬色的效果,半藍半橙的頭盔設計獨特,右邊面為全密封式的設計、左邊面僅露出左眼;腰間和手臂位置配有仿魚鱗圖案的銀色細節,並且飾有戰鬥所造成的刮痕與舊化效果。還有, Hot Toys 團隊更為人偶特別配置上一個特別設計的可替換胸甲,大幅度增加活動空間。人偶身上配搭上豐富的軍事武器裝備,手臂裝甲上裝有多組散彈槍子彈、胸口上配有一條裝備帶、腰間繫上兩條裝備腰帶分別配有兩枚炸彈和多個小袋口等等,同時隨人偶附有一把抓鉤槍 (抓鉤備活動功能)、一把長劍、一枝能量長棍 (另連兩顆棍頭配件可組裝成一枝短棍)、一把手槍連可繫上大腿上的槍套、多對造型手掌、一個人偶地台和一張背景咭紙,豐富的武器裝備完美配合角色在格鬥上多元化的動態造型,盡善盡美地呈現電玩真實感!

【Batman: Arkham Origins – 1/6th scale Deathstroke Collectible Figure】

“It appears the game is over before it even begins” – Deathstroke

Slade Wilson, AKA Deathstroke, is one of the world’s greatest and most deadly mercenaries in DC Comics. He was part of an experimental super-soldier program which allowed him to gain metahuman strength, speed, and healing abilities. Today, Hot Toys is very excited to officially introduce the 1/6th scale collectible figure of Deathstroke inspired by the designs from the highly acclaimed video game Batman: Arkham Origins.

The collectible is expertly crafted based on the appearance of Deathstroke from the game featuring a newly developed helmeted head sculpt with one-eyed mask, a meticulously tailored multi-layer Deathstroke suit with battle damage and weathering effect, an interchangeable battle damaged chest armor plate specially designed for the alternative katana holding pose, an array of detailed weapons including Deathstroke’s ballistic staff handle with interchangeable ends displaying different battle modes, a remote claw, a pistol, a katana, two grenades, several detachable bullets off from the shoulder armor and a figure stand with specially designed backdrop!